Saturday, August 25, 2007

How to Paint a Car - Step by Step

According to, here's how you can do it:

Step One

Wash your car with soap and water before you start painting. This will remove all the dirt on the car’s body. Remember that washing the car well in important to ensure proper finish of paint.

Step Two

Use a wax/grease remover to clean the dirt that is not soluble in water. You can even use liquid charcoal starter or mineral spirits for this purpose.

Step Three

Rub the rough areas on the car with sandpaper.

Step Four

Discharge all the static charge from the body of your car to ensure that it doesn't attract any dust. You can do so by joining the chassis frame under your car with any grounded object using a wire.

Step Five

Ensure that the body of the car is totally dry before you begin painting.

Step Six

Tape those parts of the car’s body that you don’t want to be painted using masking tape. This step really adds to the finish if done properly.

Step Seven

Use a good quality body putty to even-out any patches on the car’s body.

Step Eight

Apply the primer on the entire surface to be painted. Make sure that you apply it as evenly as possible.

Step Nine

Scrub the primer carefully with sandpaper till you even-out the entire surface.

Step Ten

Select a urethane-based paint for color. Apply the base coat using a spray gun. Let the paint dry for ten to fifteen minutes.

Step Eleven

Apply the final coat and let it dry for thirty to ninety minutes.

Step Twelve

Apply three clear coats after the color has dried. Let each clear coat dry for fifteen minutes before you apply the next one.

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